Malware Lurks on YouTube

Issue #10

Malware Lurks on YouTube

Ahoy there, fellow Netizens! This week, let’s talk about YouTube. If you need a tutorial about anything computer related, YouTube is a great place to look! Unfortunately, hackers know this, and are using it to trick viewers into downloading malware.

Proofpoint, a cybersecurity company, released a report earlier this week describing what’s been going on. Essentially, the unknown cybercriminals are creating YouTube videos describing how to get premium software or game cheats for free. They include a link in the description so you can download the “software,” but if you follow the instructions, you’ll end up installing an infostealer on your device.

An infostealer does exactly what it sounds like: steals your data. This includes things like your saved passwords, and even your cookies, which hackers can use to access your accounts while completely bypassing two-factor authentication.

Unfortunately, some of the malware promoting videos have been uploaded by “verified” YouTube accounts, giving them more legitimacy. However, those accounts were likely either hacked or sold, so it’s not the original content creator who is behind the videos.

While Proofpoint reported “over two dozen” accounts, which YouTube removed, a cursory search on YouTube reveals many new videos popping up. One compromised verified account I found yesterday had uploaded no less than 19 videos promoting malicious game cheats on the same day.

While savvy viewers will probably not be fooled by these tactics, children looking for a free upgrade or hack for their favorite game might. So be sure to talk to your own kids and warn parents about the malicious YouTube videos.

Until next time, stay safe out there!

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